Mars Retrograde – From Depletion to Empowerment
We’re now in the middle of Mars Retrograde, and likely you are wondering whether this Mars retrograde is a doomed failure. You might feel extra tired, lethargic, heavy, scared, or apathetic – or you might be feeling explosive, irritable, and over-stimulated. This is normal. But it doesn’t mean you should have cancelled everything and crawled […]
Upcoming Lichen Worskhop at Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont – February 2025
Have you been interested in learning more about lichens? Join me, my partner Jason Hollinger (lichenologist and photographer) and John DiDiego (Tremont’s Education Director) in a weekend long lichen workshop – one that integrates lichen taxonomy and ecology with lichen poetics. The workshop is being held on Valentine’s Day weekend – and lichens are the […]
Dark Mountain Project: Book Review of “The Lichen Museum”
Last year, artist A. Laurie Palmer, in coordination with University of Minnesota Press “Art after Nature” series, published the magnifident little book The Lichen Musuem. There are alot of books about lichens, but most of them are scientific or pop-science oriented. The Lichen Museum is different – it is philosophical, it is about social change, […]
Free Earth Astrology Readings for Survivors of Hurricane Helene and Mutual Aid Volunteers & Workers
The storms of exploitationism and expansionism have wreaked havoc in our planetary communities for millennia, and the winds of climate change, of intensifying hurricanes and extreme weather, are only the symptoms of socio-economic value systems that are out of balance, toppling over, and crushing the weakest and splintering the middle. We are all called to […]
Lichen Exploration Workshops
Lichenologist Laura Boggess and I have been exploring new ways of introducing people to the world of lichens – ways that weave together both the scientific and the poetic: lichen taxonomy and social change, lichen ecology and being human in these times.
“Emergence” and my Deep Ecology art practice
Last autumn, I spent two weeks at the United Plant Savers Goldenseal Sanctuary in Ohio as a Deep Ecology Artist in Residence. United Plant Savers (UPS) is an organization with an unusually forward thinking approach to conservation of native medicinal plants. Unlike most conservation projects that aim to limit human activity, UPS invites human activity […]