Explorations in lichenology, art, and social transformation
Mt. Tiffany, North Cascades, Washington
Giant fires raged last year when Jason and I attempted to survey two alpine lichen locations in Washington: Mt. Pugh (Glacier Peak Wilderness) and Mt. Tiffany (Okanogan National Forest); the 2015 fires shut down many of the towns in the Eastern Cascades, and flames were jumping over regional Hwy 2, blocking our access to the Mt. Tiffany. Luckily we were still able to survey Mt. Pugh, and we saved Mt. Tiffany for this year. And it was well worth the wait!
To sum up the survey: the terricolous macrolichens on the north ledges were *amazing*. And one notable absence:: Rhizoplaca melanopthalma was found in the 1955 survey but not found in our 2016 survey despite targeted searches throughout the summit area. What would cause this species to disappear – climate change or pollution or… What do you think?