Trip Report: White Mountains or Bust! (California /Nevada, USA) Setting up

We drove both vehicles to the Trail Canyon trailhead and camped near there in a lovely spot in a Pinyon-Juniper woodland. Very intimidating thunderstorms were looming all along the White Mountains and ranges to the east. We decided to delay for a day in Trail Canyon, and stay in Cottonwood Basin the following day.

Common Alpine Lichens of the High Sierras – California

What are the common alpine lichens found in the High Sierras of California? This handy six page guide just might answer that question. Jason and I made it for naturalists, alpine enthusiasts, and citizen scientists, with the hope that it will be helpful in field identification of common alpine lichen species or species groups. Rarity […]

Radical Mycolology – and Radical Lichenology – finally released!

After over two years of hard work, Peter McCoy has published Radical Mycology, an amazing text on how to see and work with fungi. And I wrote the Fifth chapter – Radical Lichenology. It was a personally transformative chapter for me to write because it is the first time that my myriad of interests in […]